Who is Noz?

Hi. I’m Noah Wallis – surf coach, content creator and avid surfer!

My journey began on a bodyboard at my home break in Sydney, Australia. Until I started standing up on it all the time and decided to progress to an actual surfboard. As I grew up and got better, I became obsessed! I was able to get my first board sponsor at 15, but seeing how good the other guys were like Jack Robinson and Eli Hanneman, I gave up on my childhood dream of becoming a Pro Surfer.

I still wanted to do something surf-related, so I started surf coaching after graduating in 2018. I got such a kick out of helping other surfers! In 2021, I bought a GoPro and started a YouTube channel – quickly growing to 10,000 subscribers. This enabled me to connect with more surfers than ever before! Then came the idea of Online Coaching. Being able to teach people from anywhere in the world. And now I’ve created a new dream – to entertain and make surfing content + help as many surfers as possible improve their surfing!

There’s nothing that can describe the feeling of riding a wave, the excitement and adrenaline as you're racing down the line – just you, your board and the ocean. It’s a feeling we can’t get enough of and the better you get at surfing, the better that feeling becomes. My mission is to help you chase that amazing feeling and reach your full potential!

Noah Wallis – Creator of Surfing With Noz

“The best surfer is the one having the most fun!”

– Rob Machado